關愛何事:三部1970年代的瓊瑤片 Home of Romance: Three Qiong Yao Films of the 1970s

Shiao-Ying Shen



In the 1970s, Taiwan's aiqing wenyi pian ruled supreme. At the time, Taiwan's romantic melodramas were screened in theaters wherever Chinese communities amassed. This study looks back at the 1970s, revisits this era of Taiwan cinema, and reconsiders this popular film genre. The paper highlights how those romantic dramas, adapted from Qiong Yao's romance novels, allowed audiences to indulge in escapism, and to work through the many challenges modern romantic love presents. By looking into films by major Mandarin film directors of the period, this article traces how love and romance were questioned, traditional values queried, and mobility in modernity incorporated into the Qiong Yao films of the 1970s. This study explores Song Cunshou's You Can't Tell Him (庭院深深1971), a film in which love and romance are tested against feminine familial bonds; investigates Li Xing's Posterity and Perplexity (碧雲天1976), in which traditional familial pressure for posterity challenges the modern sense of romance and marriage; and concludes with an examination of Bai Jingrui's Far Away from Home (人在天涯1977), a film in which romance of uprooted Taiwan couples is contested by the trials posed by European settings and culture.