近五十年來(1960~2016)「明鄭至戰後初期台灣儒學」研究之回顧與展望 The Retrospect and Prospect on the Study of Taiwanese Confucianism from Ming Zheng to Early Postwar Period in the Past Fifty Years(1960-2016)

Li, Wei-huan



This essay dissertates about findings of “Taiwanese Confucianism between Ming Zheng and early postwar ” studies since 1960 to 2016, which retrospects papers on history of culture and education, history of academic and thought, confucian religion sdudies, literature studies. I indicate the quality of books and documents should be increased, and there’re different focal points and undeveloped field in the studies on different historical times. Concretely speaking, first, The research on studies of confucian classics in Taiwan Qing dynasty, confucianism factors in cultural and educational policy since the period of japanese rule, history of confucianism though and cultural movement in early postwar, which could be developed further. Secondly, studies which research confucianism as a religion issue, and studies which focus on literature, provide different visions for regular confucianism studies, especially in Taiwanese cofucianism studies. This essay also includes in a list of bibliography of Taiwanese cofucianism studies since 1960 to 2016.