朱丹溪「內靜外敬」思維之可能性探討一種醫學身體觀視野的嘗試性解讀 Possibility of Zhu Dan-Xi

Huang, Chong-xiu



The article probed into whether Zhu Dan-Xi had thought and structures similar to "inner tranquility and outer respect" in Guanzi. The chief purpose was to indirectly prove that Liu Ji-Shan and Zhou Dun-Yi had the argumentation base of the body in the implementation form of "inner tranquility and outer respect" based on the result of the study. In the process of analysis, the author first organized the argumentation of the skill of Zhu Dan-Xi's ministerial-fire. Based on the discourse of "human minds obey Dao, and tranquility is main focus," she analyzed other texts and found that the interpretation of Confucianism by medicine contained the thought of "tranquility" skill as well. Last but not least, she truly restored the implementation structure of inner tranquility and outer respect in Zhu Dan-Xi's thought under comprehensive development. Based on the result, the argumentation and viewpoint of Liu Ji-Shan and Zhou Dun-Yi having the implementation structure of "inner tranquility and outer respect," which the author had emphasized in recent years, will be more firmly verified from now on.