儒家如何詮釋「氣具形而上之涵意」——以唐君毅先生論氣為例 How Does Chi Has the Metaphysical Meaning

Hsiu-mei Teng



“Chi” for Heaven Confucian theory is an important and indispensable element. In addition to Chi, if this doctrine is established from the mind-heart of the moral law, then there is a substance above Chi and which dominates Chi. Substance and Chi constitute metaphysical, physical relationship. If the discussion starts from cosmology, then the Chi must first become the focus of attention, and further, the Chi could have been endowed with metaphysical meaning. But directly to the Chi as a source of all creation, will inevitably conflict with the theory of Mencius that people are by nature good. So how to explain the Chi has a metaphysical meaning which become a very important issue.
Mr. Tang Junyi researched “Chi” very in-depth, he also recognized the Chi possesses metaphysical significance. However, he explained this issue in two ways. One kind conflicted with the goodness of Mencius, another would not, even be able to expand the traditional School of Principe deficiencies. This result is very interesting and worthy of scholars to explore the reasons.