被改版的藝術史:創作系所中的藝術史學習與教學 Art History Revised: Learning and Teaching Art History in a Studio-Arts-based Department

Lin Chang



The author specializes in Western Art History and does not have degrees in Fine Arts or Design. The author’s current department focuses on studio arts and crafts, work production and exhibition. In Taiwan, during the past thirty years, most of the studio-arts-based departments have offered courses such as Chinese and Western Art History, and even made them the core course. For almost ten years, the author has taught the course of Western Art History and a few courses related to cultural theories in her department. She now observes, analyzes and formulates the situation in which Art History is adjusted and adapted to “serve” a studio-arts-based department. This essay discusses 1. how the students learn Western Art History 2. the teacher’s challenges and feedback, and briefly 3. what museums and art galleries in Taiwan can be introduced to the teachers of Western Art History. It is hoped that this essay illustrates how Art History, though an independent and professional discipline, seems to have been “revised” to become part of the pedagogy of a department whose focus is studio arts.