策展、圖錄編寫與中國繪畫史研究、教學 A Reflection on the Interlocking Relationships between Curating, Catalog Writing, Research, and Teaching in the Field of History of Chinese Painting

Ka-Yi Ho



This article reviews the interlocking relationships of curating, catalog writing, research, and teaching in the field of history of Chinese painting from the twentieth century onward. Especially in the United States, when traditional Chinese painting gradually became a subject in the study of modern art history, museum curators and university teaching staff collaborated frequently. During this initial phase, the collecting of Chinese painting and publishing of exhibition catalogs in museums contributed tremendously to the research and teaching of the history of Chinese painting in universities. This article uses the compilations of several influential exhibition catalogs in the study of the history of Chinese painting as examples to demonstrate the fruitful results in research and fostering talents created by the collaboration between universities and museums, through which this article also intends to point out the possible drawbacks of the current development of creating a clear division between university and museum.