歐西漢學者羅亞娜(Jana S. Rošker)宋明清儒知識論研究:化西宗「三款六式」框架之回應 A Critical Response of Study on Theory of Knowledge from Song to Qing Dynasties by European Sinologue Prof. Jana S. Rošker: From the Perspective of Framework of “Three Types and Six Forms”

Qian, Shuang

歐西漢學者羅亞娜(Jana S. Rošker)所撰Searching for the Way: Theory of Knowledge in Pre-Modern and Modern China一書以「求知」為主題,論及理學、心學、實學三派有關求知目的及求知方式之知識論。羅書雖以縱向歷史脈絡述宋明清儒知識論,然其寫作框架頗值商榷。本文不啻談及羅書宋明清儒知識論之基本思想、邏輯與理路,更圍繞「求知目的」與「求知方式」這一「求知」主題,以化西宗「三款六式」框架破羅書寫作框架,重塑中華知識論史宋明清部,開化西比研究法門。


The fourteen chapters in total from Chapter 3 to Chapter 16 in the academic monograph titled Searching for the Way: Theory of Knowledge in Pre-modern and Modern China, written by Jana S. Rošker, professor and head of sinology at Department of Asian Studies, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, all discuss Confucianist theories of knowledge from Song to Qing Dynasties, developed with the theme of searching for knowledge, dealing with seventeen Confucianists’ theories of knowledge within three Schools of Principle, Mind and Practice, related to the purpose of and approach to seeking knowledge. Although Rošker generally intepretes theories of three Confucianist schools or generations from Song, Ming to Qing Dynasties according to vertically historical vein, her writing framework should be also well worthy to be deliberated. The author in this article not only talks about the basic idea, logic and train of thinking of the Confucianists’ theories of knowledge from Song, Ming to Qing Dynasties studied by Rošker, but also breaks through her writing framework based upon this and focusing on theme of searching for knowledge of the purpose of and approach to seeking knowledge, in order to establish a new writing framework related to the Confucianists’ theories of knowledge from Song, Ming to Qing Dynasties in accordance with “Three Types and Six Forms” put forward by School of Sinicization of Western Learning, remodel parts of the history of Chinese theory of knowledge from Song, Ming to Qing Dynasties, and explore the approach to the comparative study of sinicization of western learning.