Time English Center |
作者 |
白大維 |
Author |
David Barton |
關鍵詞 |
Keywords |
subaltern nation language,
shadow and penumbra.
摘要 |
此論文將討論陳界仁與楊茂林兩位本土藝術家,與有關英文學習方面之持續論爭。從一個跨領域角度出發,(英文)商業語言,將被對立於一個更能反映語言主觀面向與內建於其中的權力關係的語言。詩語言,或是雙關語、同音異議文字遊戲,就本論文所定義的意義而言,可提供臺灣一種可表達所有殖民歷史的英語。 |
Abstract |
This article discusses two Taiwanese artists, Chen Chieh-jen and Yang Mao-Lin in relation to Taiwan’s continuing debate over English language acquisition. From a multi-disciplinary perspective the question of a business language (English) is contrasted to a language that better reflects the subjective nature of language itself and the power relations that are inherent therein. Poetic language, or paronomasia, as it is discussed here, provides an outlet for Taiwan to express itself in English with all its historical and colonial history engaged. |