宋遺民福建大儒熊禾及其詩歌作品析論─兼述詩歌內容之區域文化觀照 |
The Song Loyalist and Fujian Confucian Scholar Xiong He and His Poetry──with a Discussion of His Poetry Regional Culture |
作者 |
王次澄 |
Author |
Tzi-cheng Wang |
關鍵詞 |
Keywords |
Song dynasty loyalists,
Xiong He,
regional culture,
Wuxuan ji (Wuxuan collection)
摘要 |
熊禾(1247-1312)為元初大儒,亦為南宋福建遺民群體的傑出代表人物,但有關其生平的文獻記載卻極為簡略。本文第一節乃考述熊氏之字號、家世、生卒年、仕宦、學術承傳、治學理念、著作等。本論文第二節敘述熊禾《勿軒集》之刊刻與流傳。第三節則分為閩學與朱熹、牧民與行道、儒教與興學、時事與民生、觸景興感、因事寄情等六項主題,剖析熊禾詩歌之內容,並兼述其詩歌之修辭特色。第四節是闡釋熊禾詩歌內容與區域文化的關聯,分為福建地理與歷史之記述、閩學之承繼與傳揚、區域之經濟與物產、區域地標景觀武夷山等四小節敘述。 |
Abstract |
Xiong He (1247-1312) was a major Confucian figure of the early Yuan period, and an outstanding representative of Fujian loyalists of the Southern Song, but records on his life are limited. The first section discusses Xiong He’s courtesy name and literary name, family background, dates, official career, scholastic lineage, ideas concerning scholarship, and writings, etc. The second section concentrates on the publication and transmission of his Wuxuan ji (Wuxuan collection). The third section discusses his poetry under six headings, including the Fujian School of Neo-Confucianism and Zhu Xi, governing the people and carrying out the Confucian way, Confucian teachings and setting up schools, contemporary events and the livelihood of the people, thoughts and feelings arising from landscape views, and thoughts and feelings arising from situations, and ends with a brief discussion of his use of allusion and choice of diction. The fourth section discusses the relationship between his poetry and regional culture under four topics: his description of the geography and history of the Fujian area, his continuation and transmission of the Fujian School of Neo-Confucianism, regional economy and products, and Mount Wuyi, the representative view of the region. |