FaceBook pڭ
第 64  期

Special Issue

How to Huangmei? What to Sing ? —A Preliminary Research of Lan-Ping Zhou’s Huangmei Opera Film Song Score
作者 沈冬
Author Tung Shen
關鍵詞 周藍萍黃梅調黃梅戲《梁山伯與祝英台》電影音樂
Keywords Lan-Ping Zhou, Huangmei song, Huangmei Opera, The Love Eterne, movie soundtracks
摘要 1963年4祝英台月24日,香港邵氏公司黃梅調電影《梁山伯與祝英台》在臺北上演,連映62天,欲罷不能,打破臺灣有電影以來國片洋片的賣座紀錄,掀起黃梅調戲曲電影的流行狂潮,導引這股風潮的,是出身臺灣的作曲家周藍萍(1926-1971)。周藍萍被視為臺灣國語流行歌曲的開創者,作品包括膾炙人口的〈綠島小夜曲〉、〈回想曲〉,又因《梁祝》拿下第十屆亞洲影展以及第二屆金馬獎最佳音樂。本文探究1963年《梁祝》在臺灣風靡的盛況,討論「戲曲電影」與黃梅調電影的關係,並以《梁山伯與祝英台》為核心,參酌其他黃梅調電影,探究周藍萍的黃梅調音樂。
Abstract Since its first release in Taipei on April 24th, 1963, the movie The Love Eterne (Han-Hisang Li, 1963) had smashed the box office record in Taiwan at that time, raising a burst of Huangmei Opera Film. This phenomenon should be attributed to the Taiwanese film composer—Lan-Ping Zhou, who is also considered as the initiator of Mandarin pop songs in Taiwan.
Focusing on the movie The Love Eterne, this study aims to explore its prospering in Taiwan in 1963 and deliberate the relationship between this opera film and the previous Huangmei Opera Films. This study also investigates Lan-Ping Zhou’s Huangmei Song Score with other Huangmei opera films as references.
Based on the newly-found Zhou’s manuscripts, this study examines his life as how he entered Hong Kong film industry, and deliberates his compositional techniques of Huangmei opera music, among which the most interesting one is that Zhou extracts musical elements from traditional Huangmei opera music, yet breaks their rules and arranges them in a modernized way. This study analyzes Zhou’s work by comparing them to popular songs, modern Chinese orchestral music, traditional music, and other newly composed music, showing how Zhou mixed different musical elements to create his new-style of Huangmei songs.
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