獸醫公共衛生政策執行與動物福利 |
Veterinary public health policy and animal welfare |
作者 |
賴治民 |
Author |
Jyhmirn Lai |
關鍵詞 |
Keywords |
veterinary public health,
animal welfare
摘要 |
獸醫公共衛生政策常採用疫苗、隔離及移地飼養與撲殺的方式控制重要人畜或畜與畜之間的傳染病。然而,撲殺政策之執行與動物福利相違背。在執行有必要之撲殺政策,可利用三段五級預防的觀念以減少撲殺的次數及量。增進畜主對疾病的認知,建立適合的早期疾病警示系統,建立快速診斷的標準操作程序及合適的疫苗政策,配合學術界對疾病的更多瞭解,有助於調整獸醫公共衛生政策,達到現今實驗動物政策中之減量及精緻化之目的。 |
Abstract |
Veterinary public health policy usually adopts vaccination, quarantine and moving animal to other areas and stamping out policy to control zonoses and animal contagious infectious diseases. However, the slaughter policy strongly disagrees with animal welfare. When stamping out policy is required, it could be modified by three levels of prevention, so the frequences and numbers of stamping out might be reduced. Improving the animal owners knowledge of diseases, setting up a good early warning system, building a standardized operation procedure for fast diagnosis and a proper vaccination policy which matches a better understanding of diseases from scholars, can help the veterinary public health policy approach the goals of "reduce" and "refine"; which has been suggested in the policy of using experimental animals. |