FaceBook pڭ
第 56  期

Special Issue

當政治遇上動物 — 多元政治意識形態下的動物保護觀點
When Politics Meets Animal Animal Protection Perspectives under Multiple Political Ideologies
作者 吳宗憲
Author Wu Chuang-Hsien
關鍵詞 動物保護研究政治學自由主義意識型態倫理學
Keywords Animal Protection Research, Politics Science, Liberalism, Political Ideology, Ethical Studies
摘要 人們對動物保護人士的行動,很容易便會根據直覺做出某些評論。首先是,「和動物相關的問題是個專業的小問題,留給獸醫或專家就行了,實在不必要浪費政府資源,將他當做公共問題來討論」;其二、「保護受虐動物的討論,是那些少數喜愛動物的人的事情,和我無關」;其三、「反正動物又不可能說話,不會投票,制定決策時只要各方人們的意見能獲得共識就好」;最後,「人為萬物之靈,利用畜牲是天經地義,實在不曉得有什麼不對的,動物保護人士真是愛心氾濫」。

Abstract People easily make several instinctive comments to animal protectors' action. First, one will say that "animal-related issue is a professional but just a small issue, so let vets and experts to deal with it. Therefore, no need for government to spend resources to deal with it as if it's a public problem." Second, one will also say that "animal abusing has the matter with people who loving animal, it has no relationship with me because I don’t care about animals". Third, people say "because animals can't speak and vote, people can formulate policy just by their own consensus."

This Article tried to answer these questions above by reviewing western political science publications. First, I'll introduce the mainstream ethical and science field and then analyze why animal protection need the infusion of political science. Secondly, I'll introduce several political ideologies about animal protection. Thirdly, I try to figure out how to combine liberalism governance mechanism and animal protection thought. Finally, I try to sketch the future research direction of animal protection political science in our country.
Regan 與動物權
/ 李凱恩    Jack Lee
/ 林永崇    LIN Yung-chung
/ 賴治民    Jyhmirn Lai
動物倫理學中的「實然 — 應然問題」之探究 — 從道德根源探討一可能解決的進路
/ 王萱茹    
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