FaceBook pڭ
第 68  期

Special Issue

Buddhist’s Perspestive of Patient’s Right of Autonomy
作者 釋照量
Author Zhao-Liang Shih
關鍵詞 佛教安寧緩和醫療病人自主權善終特殊拒絕 權特殊請求權安樂死醫助自殺
Keywords Buddhism, palliative treatment, patient autonomy right, good death, special right of withdrawal, special right of request, euthanasia, physician assisted suicide
摘要 安寧緩和醫療條例自從民國 89 公告實施已接近二十年,另一
Abstract The law of palliative treatment has been put forward since Year 2000, and

now another law for the protection of the autonomy and good death of the

patient, Autonomy Patient Right Act, expands the application of patients beyond

those terminal patients and includes irreversible vegetative, permanent

vegetative, seriously retarded patients and other patients that the central medical

institute announces as patients with unbearable pain, incurable and according to

the present medical technology could not be treated with other methods. Patient

could autonomous reject not only ineffective treatment but also life sustaining

water and nuitritions. The point of consideration is the quality of life of the

patient. This change brings serious impact to the medical professionals.

There is a stream of power that wants to expand the autonomy of the

patient in order to let patient have the right to euthanasia and physician assisted

suicide. It is an expansion of the legal right from special right of rejection to a

right of special request. In such a slipperly development of patient’s right of

autonomy, what would Buddhism respond and how to set the line for stopping


Buddhism sees equality of life and life is a series of stages running through

birth, getting old and die. The maintaining of life is for practice. When one;s

quality of life is no good, and when it comes to the stage of could not do any more practice, we should not try to maintain life, but the premise is not to

accelerate death. For such acts are acts of killing. Hence, for Buddhism the

acceptance of refuse of living on in the law of palliative treatment and the Act of

Patient Autonomy Right does not include the use of external force in ending life.

Euthanasia and physician assisted suicide is an attempt to expand the request of

employing external force to end the life of those with a low quality of life, but

this has trespassing the ethical line of Buddhism.
從臨終死亡的概念與儒家親子關係反省 病人自主權利法之意涵1
/ 李瑞全    Shui-Chuen Lee
從《民法典侵權責任編(草案)(二次審 議稿)》第九百九十五條談「臨床醫療強 制干預權」的失範
/ 胡曉翔    Xiao-Xiang Hu
病人自主權 ──從善終論生命自主的困境與出路
/ 蕭玉霜    Yu-Shuang Hsiao
從儒家的觀點省察台港兩地有關 活體器官捐贈的相關規定
/ 黃漢忠    Hon-Chung Wong
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