FaceBook pڭ
第 68  期

Special Issue

從《民法典侵權責任編(草案)(二次審 議稿)》第九百九十五條談「臨床醫療強 制干預權」的失範
The failure of “the Right of clinical medical enforced Interference” of the Nine Hundred Ninety Five Article of the Chapter of Obligation of Invasion in Civil Law (Draft for Second Deliberation)
作者 胡曉翔
Author Xiao-Xiang Hu
關鍵詞 《侵權責任法》《民法典各分編(草案)》《民法典侵權 責任編(草案)(二次審議稿)》第九百九十五條臨床 醫療強制干預權速裁
Keywords Act of Obligation of Invasion of Patient’s Right. Draft of Classified Civil Law, the nine hundred ninety five article of the Chapter of Obligation of Invasion in Civil Law (Draft for Second Deliberation), clinical medical enforced right of interference, quick jurisdiction
摘要 《侵權責任法》第五十六條,完整地複製成《民法典各分編
Abstract The fifty-six article of the Act of the Obligation of Invasion of Patient’s
Right is a copy of nine hundred ninety five article of the Draft of Classified Civil
Law, and then reproduced completely as the nine hundred ninety five article of
the Chapter of Obligation of Invasion in Civil Law (Draft for Second
Deliberation), and some professionals misread it as a legal authorization of
clinical medical enforced interference of the right of the patient. In this paper,
I propose that it should be completed better in the collection of civil law as a
special regulation for clinical medical enforced interference of the right of the
patient. The new article should read : “In case of the saving of patient in
emergence situation, the necessary and without alternative method of life-saving
is unreasonably rejected after explanation according to regulation, the medical
institute must report immediately to the local police department and public
health department, and the police department and the chief officer of the public
health department must send officials immediately to the site to understand the
situation, give directional help, and if necessary, direct the medical institute to
petite to the primary court of the region in order to seek a quick jurisdiction of
the case, and the court must send judge setting up a court at the site in order to decide whether it should start the employment of the clinical medical enforced
interference of the right of the patient. The detail arrangement to be set in due
從臨終死亡的概念與儒家親子關係反省 病人自主權利法之意涵1
/ 李瑞全    Shui-Chuen Lee
病人自主權 ──從善終論生命自主的困境與出路
/ 蕭玉霜    Yu-Shuang Hsiao
/ 釋照量    Zhao-Liang Shih
從儒家的觀點省察台港兩地有關 活體器官捐贈的相關規定
/ 黃漢忠    Hon-Chung Wong
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