超越破立修辭,回歸關鍵爭議 — 回應何思瑩 |
Three Controversial Reflections on Szu-Ying Ho |
作者 |
郭彥伯 |
Author |
Yen-Bo Kuo |
關鍵詞 |
Keywords |
Same-Sex Marriage,
Abolition of the Family and Marriage,
Public Care,
Welfare State
摘要 |
針對同性婚姻爭議,何思瑩於《應用倫理評論》58 期刊出〈只破不立,無以為繼──談毀家廢婚派的幾點問題〉,文中羅列數點「毀家廢婚派」的問題。我認為,何思瑩所提出的許多問題僅只是在修辭上激化不同立場的意見,或者對「毀家廢婚」望文生義的想像,反而避開了真正關鍵的爭議點。對照何思瑩在文中所拋出的主張和訴求,「毀廢派」有同等的現實基礎,亦不缺乏未來展望。反而是何思瑩文中的一些主張,暴露了其中的矛盾。 |
Abstract |
In the No.58 of Applied Ethics Review, Szu-Ying Ho made several critiques on the abolition of the family and marriage. I argue that Ho’s critics often rephrased other opinions with extreme rhetoric. Ho only took the meaning of "the abolition of the family and marriage" literally rather than their context, therefore avoided the critical debates within different stands. The material foundations and visions in the discourse against the family and marriage were equivalent to Ho"s own appeal. Moreover, it is Ho's argument showed some internal contradictions. |