FaceBook pڭ
第 62  期

Special Issue

性平治理與友善校園: 兒少保護主義的含蓄政治
Gender Equity and School Governance: “Friendly Campus,” Child Protectionism and the Politics of Reticence
作者 賴麗芳
Author Lai Li-Fang
關鍵詞 性自主校園治理性/別兒少保護含蓄政治
Keywords sexual autonomy, school governance, sexuality, child protectionism, politics of reticence
摘要 「友善校園」做為當前主流的教育改革政策,吸納了台灣自解嚴以來的主流社會運動訴求,將西方文明價值視為教養下一代的重要指標,尤以「性別平等」主流化政策深刻影響2000 年後校園兒少「性」部署,以最脆弱的幼兒來想像受害的兒少,以達成年管理者對未成年人的權力管控。本論文將分析「友善校園」的法律、政策、公民論述與治理手段,詰問既有兒少保護主義如何與「性別平等教育」、《性別平等教育法》等法律與政策共構成一個龐大的性平治理機器,使得原意友善多元性別與差異弱勢的現代校園,反逐步提高對邊緣偏差人口的管控與規訓力道。
Abstract This thesis examines the ideologies that shape the current structure of the "Friendly Campus" as a major project of educational reform now jointly promoted by the government as well as by the civil society in contemporary Taiwan. As the UN discourses of human rights, such as gender mainstreaming and anti-child abuse, have been integrated and taken for granted in the "Friendly
Campus" project, the ideologies of child protectionism and gender equality are essentially practiced in the MOE's school policy of gender equity education.The gender equity education is affected by a parental and maternal emotion/ morality that reaches out not only for the children that stand for the ideal of the nation's better future, but also for the minority groups who gratefully receive the merciful glow of the kindness of the dominant groups and reciprocally stabilize the stratification of the existing socio-cultural hierarchy. Illuminated by Ding Nai-Fei and Liu Jeng-Peng’s analysis of the politics of reticence, I try to unravel the friendly cruelty exerted under the school governance of gender equality and child protectionism through the securitization of the reporting system to violently dominate the life and death of marginal sex and sexuality.
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