FaceBook pڭ
第 65  期

Special Issue

The Promotion and Practice of Music Courses in Higher Education
作者 簡山根
Author Shan-Ken Chien
關鍵詞 大學通識音樂教育十二年國教藝術領綱(108 課綱)全人教育「天我」繪畫敘事力
Keywords music courses in higher education, 108 Curriculum, four major types of general education courses, student’s painting narrative
摘要 本篇論文內容主要在探討大學通識音樂教育如何透過不同的
層面與向度來達到全人教育的理念,作者以自己過去三年在中原大學開授通識音樂課程的經驗為出發點,闡述如何在課程的規劃上順利接軌高中的必修通識音樂課程。因此,論文共分為六個段落,第一段的前言除了說明目前實施中的「高中99 課綱」的各科課程實施方針之外亦分析明年即將上路的十二年國教藝術領綱(108 課綱)之內涵,透過不同段落說明大學通識音樂課程是如何延續108 課綱的「普通型高中等學校必修課程」。第二段的內容是「課程架構」,藉由課程架構來說明全人教育所分項的四大類通識課程「天、人、物、我」,另外也進一步說明作者所開授之音樂類課程的課程內容規劃以及課程設計特色。本論文的第三段是講述「核心素養」,文章中說明學生們在高中所建立的三項及六子項
Abstract The main content of this thesis is to explore how music courses in higher education can achieve the concept of holistic education through different levels and dimensions. The author begins with his experience in teaching general music courses at Chung Yuan Christian University in the past three years. In this thesis, he also explains how to successfully integrate music courses from high school to higher education. Therefore, the thesis is divided into six paragraphs. The first paragraph of the preface where the author not only mentions about the current implementation guidelines for the "High School 99 Curriculum" but also analyzes the content of "108 Curriculum" which will begin to practice next year. Through different passages, the author expresses how music courses in higher education could smoothly be connected from "General High Schools'required
courses" of "108 Curriculum."

The content of the second paragraph is "Course Structure." Through the course structure, the four major types of general education courses "The Creator, Humanity, the Entire Creation, and the Individual self" will be explained. In addition, the author further explains the content of course planning and curriculum of course design. The third paragraph of the thesis is about "Core Literacy." The author mentions three parts of the core literacy and the six sub-parts established by the students in high school. In addition, the author further proposes three layers of core literacy that are indispensable for music courses in higher education. These three layers are "the establishment of knowledge and capabilities", "the use of media and technology" and "the link between groups and culture." These three layers are supported by the curriculum as an example.

The "Learning Emphasis" of the fourth paragraph is an extension of the three core literacy. The thesis refers to the "Learning Facets" and "Key
Connotations." The fourth paragraph of the thesis also uses the three dimensions of "Learning Facets" including "expression", "appreciation" and "practice."Besides the "Learning Facets", there are six aspects of "Key Connotations" encompassing "Singing Performance", "Creation Presentation", "Music Appreciation", "Aesthetic Understanding", "Art Participation", and "Life
Application." The author explains how he has established these three dimensions and six aspects to implement the courses. On the other hand, the course implementation is further illustrated by six aspects of "key connotation."

The fifth paragraph is an introduction to his own teaching case. This teaching sample is to create a student's painting narrative through group mode. The last paragraph is to summarize the overall concept of promotion and practice music courses in higher education.
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