從北京首例冷凍胚胎案看患者自主權 |
An Analysis of Patients’ Autonomy from the First Case Frozen Embryo of Beijing |
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作者 |
田文鳳、張新慶、張群芝、杜華英 |
Author |
Tian Wen-Feng, Zhang Xinqing, Zhang Jing-Zhi, Du Hua Ying |
關鍵詞 |
Keywords |
patients' right of autonomy,
right to birth,
medical interference,
frozen embryo
摘要 |
針對北京首例冷凍胚胎案,對於患者自主權的問題進行了思考。患者自主權應該受到尊重,也應受到一定的制約。結合案例討論了國家法律法規、患者自身局限性、醫生干涉權以及其他繼承人繼承權對於患者自主權的制約,並對患者正確行使自主權提出了建議。 |
Abstract |
This paper reflects upon the first case of frozen embryo of Beijing.Patients' right of autonomy should be respected and also limited in a certain aspects. We try to integrate our discussion with the law of the state, the limitations of the patient, the right to interference of medical professionals and the limitation of the patient by the rights of the heir, so as to propose how the patient should properly deploy his or her use of the right of autonomy. |