FaceBook pڭ
第 68  期

General Article

Xun-zi’s Ritual Philosophy of Chunqiu Gongyang and Zuozhuan
作者 謝君直
Author Chun-chih Hsieh
關鍵詞 春秋經傳荀子禮論歷史詮釋禮義之道政治秩序道德理序
Keywords Chunqiu, Classic and its commentaries, Xun zi, The theory of rites, History, Interpret, Ritual morality, The order of politics, Moral order
摘要 本文據《春秋公羊傳》義理與荀子思想的理論關係,以禮的思想意義為研究方法,並在析論程序中與《左傳》所述禮的文獻為比較與對話的平臺,說明7則經傳有關禮的文脈的荀學義涵。〈隱公元年〉涉及實踐喪葬之禮意的價值觀;〈桓公二年〉是主政者收受賄賂的道義問題;〈桓公十五年〉是王者向下位者求財物所引生的義利之辨;〈莊公元年〉是因仇讎所發生之親親與尊尊的衝突;〈莊公二十三年〉是國君非禮越境之失典範;〈莊公二十四年〉是國君在婚禮方面的逾越制度;〈宣公十二年〉敘述主政者在戰爭過程中所顯之政治道德觀。再依荀子思想的禮義之道,此7則《春秋》經傳亦可從禮制意義與客觀性、文理與情用、政治秩序與道德秩序、禮做為得治去亂之道等四面向來分析,進而確認傳文所述禮觀念的微言大義。根據《公羊傳》與《左傳》禮觀念所蘊含之荀學,本文結論《公》《左》二傳內涵先秦儒學的歷史脈絡,是研究者考察儒學發展的歷史來源。
Abstract My thesis, according to the relationship of Chunqiu Gongyang(春秋公羊傳)and Xun-zi philosophy, contrast with Chunqiu Zuozhuan(春秋左氏傳)and illustrate the ritual thought of Xun-zi of Gongyang and Zuozhuan, which by study method of context of rites. The texts have seven, which about the rite of Classic and its commentaries, the first about the value of practise of funeral rite in ‘Duke Yin 1st year’(隱公元年). The second text is about moral value of rite of present in ‘Duke Huan 2nd year’(桓公二年). The third text is about dialetical thinking of moral and utility, which the situation of King Zhou baging money and things of funeral rite in ‘Duke Huan 15nd year’(桓公十五年). The fourth text is about the conflict and revenge of keep royal respect or family emotion in ‘Duke Zhuang 1st year’(莊公元年). The fifth text is about immoral behavior of arbitrarily leaving country of the sovereign in ‘Duke Zhuang 23st year’(莊公二十三年). The sixth text is about the over rite of wedding of the sovereign in ‘Duke Zhuang 24st year’(莊公二十四年). The seven text is about moral idea of politics of the sovereign in the war process in‘Duke Xuan 12th year’ (宣公十二年). I according to the ritual morality of Xun-zi also, analyse the significant of fine words(Wei-Yan-Da-Yi 微言大義)of the seven texts and discuss four aspects - the meaning of system of rites and objectivity, the principle of cultivation and present of emotion, the order of politics and moral, the principle of rule and end the disorder. According to the idea of rite of Gongyang and Zuozhuan which implicating the thought of Xun-zi, I conclude that Gongyang and Zuozhuan which inclouding the historical context of confucianism are historical source of confucian research.
/ 凌頌榮    Chung-wing Ling
/ 林香薇    Hsiang-wei Lin
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