FaceBook pڭ
第 68  期

General Article

A Study of Chuan He Zhen Yong’s Taiwanese Works Under Japanese Colonial Rule
作者 林香薇
Author Hsiang-wei Lin
關鍵詞 川合真永標音方式漢字類型詞彙層次語法規則
Keywords Chuan He Zhen Yong, phonetic notation, Chinese character, lexical stratum, grammatical rule
摘要 本文以川合真永的6本臺語著作為範圍,嘗試從零散的語料中,歸納出規律性的語言現象,藉此瞭解川合對臺語的運用並呈現他對臺語的貢獻。首先,將臺灣總督府學務課於1901年《訂正臺灣十五音及字母詳解》制定的假名符號改良版,以及該時期出版的臺日辭典,與川合書中的標示法加以比對,以確認川合在假名標音方式上與官方有無不同。其次,彙整川合書中的漢字,歸納各種漢字類型的使用情形,以釐清其漢字的選用傾向,並討論漢字的形音義關係。接著,檢索川合書中的各類詞彙,分析其詞彙來源及所屬的詞彙層次,以瞭解當時臺語詞彙的運用,並掌握川合詞彙選用的原則。最後,觀察川合書中的句子,並針對幾個句型進行分析,以釐清其語法運用的特點。日治時期日人的臺語研究,記錄和保留了早期臺語的語料,而研究這些珍貴的語料,有助於瞭解臺語的歷史發展。
Abstract This article was based on Chuan He Zhen Yong’s six Taiwanese books, and we tried to summarize the regular linguistic phenomena from language materials,to understand Chuan He Zhen Yong’s useoflanguage, thenshowed his contribution on Taiwanese language research. First of all, we compared to the Japanese official and Chuan He Zhen Yong’s phonetic notation, and found out the difference between them. Secondly, we sorted out the Chinese characters in Chuan He Zhen Yong’s books, summed up the use of various types of Chinese characters, clarified the tendency ofthe selection of Chinese characters, and discussed the relationship between the form, sound and meaning of Chinese characters. Thirdly, we searched all thewords in Chuan He Zhen Yong’s Taiwanese books, and analyzed their vocabulary sources and lexical stratum. Finally, we observed the sentences in Chuan He Zhen Yong’sbooks and analyzed several sentence patterns to clarify the characteristics of their grammatical use.
/ 謝君直    Chun-chih Hsieh
/ 凌頌榮    Chung-wing Ling
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