FaceBook pڭ
第 34  期

Special Issue

The Spiritual Genesis and Development from Hermeneuein to Text-understanding:Theoretical Ground-Nexus of Dialectical-systematical and -systemic Hermeneutics
作者 陸敬忠
Author Jing-Jong Luh
關鍵詞 hermeneuein海德格高達美哈伯瑪斯呂格爾德希達文本理解表達詮解翻譯歷史性脈絡性語言性文本性事理性互為關係性
Keywords hermeneuein, Heidegger, Gadamer, Habermas, Ricoeur, Derrida, Text-understanding, expression, interpretation, translation, historicality, contextuality, linguisticality, textuality, matter-of-factness, interrelationality
摘要 本文欲從詮釋學 ( hermeneutics, Hermeneutik ) 一詞之詞源亦即 hermeneuein 出發, 一方面從其三字根探討該詞之基本意涵──亦即表達、詮解與翻譯,重新發現理解活動之為語言理解整體過程,並且得以重整文本、作者與讀者之基源關係。二方面進而由此探究思想、存有、語言與行動等傳統哲學向度間的基源關聯脈絡,亦使得詮釋學哲思為解消傳統哲學中此基本向度間問題綜結的出路,三方面遂可達至 文本理解 ( Verstehen von Text ) 之為詮釋學核心經驗與現象,並由此重新開展詮釋學基設:從歷史性至脈絡性,從語言性至文本性,從開放性及事理性至互為關係性,如是從在世存有至在脈絡中的位格,從語言之為思想與存有之媒介至文本之為精神與物質之中介,從對他者開放至互為脈絡際中的互為位格際與互為文本際之互為關係性。
Abstract This essay tries to explore philosophically the etymology of the term hermeneutics (Hermeneutik), hermeneuein . Firstly, from the three Greek roots of the word we can research its basic implications, i.e. expression, interpretation and translation. This approach rediscovers the activity of understanding as a whole process of language-understanding, and helps to reintegrate the original relationship of author, text and reader. Secondly, these results would lead us to survey the initial network of connections between thinking, being, language, action etc., which are the fundamental dimensions of the traditional philosophy. This could also imply that the hermeneutical philosophizing can guide a way out of the problem-complex of the fundamental dimensions in the traditional philosophizing. Thirdly, through this research, the Text-understanding as the core experience and phenomenon of hermeneutics could be reached. From this, the ground-presuppositions of hermeneutics would develop: from historicality to contextuality, from linguisticality to textuality, from openness to matter-of-factness to the interrelationality and interactivity. Finally there are further presuppositions of hermeneutics awaiting for exposition: from the In-der-Welt-sein to the person in context, from the language as medium of thinking and being to the text as mediation of spirit and material, from the openness to the other to the interrelationship of the interpersonality and intertextuality of intercontextuality.
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