王門中的游離者——黃綰學思歷程及其定位 |
The Indeterminate Discilpe of Wang Yangming’s School: The Development and Location of Huang Wan’s Thoughts |
作者 |
朱湘鈺 |
Author |
Xiang-yu Zhu |
關鍵詞 |
Keywords |
The Anthology of Ming Dao,
The Wang’s school of Zhezhong,
Huang Wan,
Wang Yangming’s Teaching,
Xie Duo
摘要 |
陽明第一代門人中,傾注大量心力於儒家經解者,除會稽季彭山(名本,字明德,1485年至1563年)外,要算是黃岩黃久庵(1480至1554年)。地緣關係,兩人同屬浙中學派,恰巧又為梨洲(1610至1695年)收編在同一卷之中。然相對於彭山以闡述師教為目的而撰著經解,在久庵現存的《五經》經解序文中,我們讀不到任何有關傳播師教的隻字片語。若再參究其晚年所撰《明道編》中,含沙隱射陽明學乃「空虛之弊,誤人非細」,便會理解其注經當自有主意。本文擬從黃久庵留存的《石龍集》、《明道編》等文獻中,探究其學思歷程──初從學於鄉賢謝方石,繼拜陽明為師,終而批判師教,並據此揭示其思想特色,與其在思想史上的定位。 |
Abstract |
Besided Ji Ben (1485-1563), Huang Wan (1480-1554) was a scholar who paid much attention and concern to writing much exegesis of Classics among the first generation of the Wang’s school too. Ji and Huang had been codified in the same chapter in Ming Ru Xue An (明儒學案) edited by Huang Zongxi (1610-1695) in the Qing Dynasty, since they were both born in Zhejiang province.Be an exegete of Confucian Classics, unlike Ji Ben, Huang’s books made no mention of the idea of the teacher’s (Wang Yangming, 1472-1529) doctrine, even criticized his thoughts unrealistic and hindering others greatly in his later works, The Anthology of Ming Dao. This essay will explore the development of Huang Wan’s thoughts from his books which preserved untill now, then reveal the characteristics of his thought and orientate him in history of thought. |