《儀禮》對《唐律疏議》的影響——以「親屬名分」諸問題為探討核心 |
The Effect of Yi-Li on Tang Ley Su Yi: The Problems about the Kinship Address Form |
作者 |
劉怡君 |
Author |
Yi-chun Liu |
關鍵詞 |
Keywords |
Yi-Li (儀禮),
Tang Ley Su Yi (唐律疏議),
the kinship address form,
mourning attires
摘要 |
儒家學說自漢代以來,即成為中國文化的主流思想,儒家經典成為歷代學者關注的焦點,經學波瀾壯闊地發展,對中國文化的影響既深且巨,從思想學術到現實生活等各個層面,都受到經學深刻的影響。在此種情形之下,中國傳統法律同樣也受到經學深遠的影響,透過經學以了解掌握中國傳統法律的深層結構,自然是一個相當值得研究的視角。唐代,經學對律學的影響在中國傳統法律史上達到高峰,《唐律疏議》緊密地綰合經學與律學,具體地反映出經學對律學發展的深刻影響,當親屬相犯時,《唐律疏議》往往不按照一般人之例處置,而是依據兩造親屬名分的尊卑長幼與親疏遠近,或加其刑,或減其刑,親屬間的分名,向上溯源,當以《儀禮》為圭臬。本文將探討《唐律疏議》親屬名分的幾個問題:(一)「父」與「母」的問題;(二)「祖父母」、「曾祖父母」、「高祖父母」的題;(三)「期親」的問題;(四)「大功」、「小功」、「緦麻」之親的問題本文將論證《儀禮》對中國傳統法律有著極為深刻的影響。 |
Abstract |
According to Yi-Li (The Book of Rites, 儀禮), one had to observe a period of mourning when a relative died. The closer and more senior the deceased family member, the higher the degree of mourning that is observed. Tang Ley Su Yi (唐律疏議) defined the legal and moral conducts between family relations. If we evaluate the mourning attire, we could realize the kinship between the mourner and the deceased. Kinship relationships had a vital role in the administration of justice under the Tang. Punishment was severe for crimes committed against senior relatives within the family hierarchy. Therefore, the title of kinsfolk in Tang Ley Su Yi is an important issue. In this paper, I’ll discuss several problems about the title of kinship: 1. parents, 2. grandparents, grant-grandparents, grant-grant-grandparents, 3. ji-chin (期親), 4. da-gung (大功), shiau-gung (小功) and sz-ma (緦麻), 5. tan-main (袒免). |