自然作為他者:列維納斯與環境哲學的交會 |
Nature as the Other: The Encounter of Levinas and Environmental Philosophy |
作者 |
鄧元尉 |
Author |
Yuan-wei Teng |
關鍵詞 |
Keywords |
environmental philosophy,
the other
摘要 |
環境哲學的論述基調之一是反思人類中心主義(anthropocentrism)的界限與有效性,這使得環境哲學家可以在以批判傳統主體哲學為要務的法國哲學家列維納斯(Emmanuel Levinas)那裡找到許多對話空間。在以往,二者間的對話較多是從動物中心主義(zoocentrism)的角度切入,不過近年來有個趨勢是加入諸如生態中心主義(ecocentrism)等其他視角,豐富了對話的可能性。在這些對話的嘗試中,有許多待釐清的問題,其中一個關鍵問題即:列維納斯的他者(the other)概念究竟在多大程度上可以應用於自然?我們又該如何從列維納斯的他者現象學出發獲得一種關於「自然他者」(the natural other)的刻畫?
本文擬針對自然可否為他者的問題提供初步探索。首先,筆者要整理目前在環境哲學論域裡對列維納斯他者概念之引用的幾種主要模式;其次,筆者欲採取一種統整的模式,儘可能完整地從列維納斯他者概念的多重含義出發來建構一種足以與環境哲學之多重面向嫁接的生態現象學之理論架構,並特別著眼於從列維納斯的接待倫理學來思索人類與自然的關係,由此來理解自然是在什麼意義下成為人類的他者,而面對這樣的他者,人類又有何應盡的責任。 |
Abstract |
This article attempts to promote the dialogue between environmental ethics and the philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas by exploring the problem: in what sense we can say that nature is the other in the context of Levinas’s philosophy? My opinion is that we could clarify the meaning of nature as the other by two steps: first, we should observe and evaluate existing various approaches, especially the approach of zoocentrism, to find out the crucial difference between all kinds of applications of Levinas’s philosophy in environmental ethics; second, I attempt to propose an integrative framework corresponding to Levinas’s multiple significations of the concept of the other, so that we could extend Levinas’s ethics of hospitality to the natural other of eco-phenomenology in terms of the approach of ecocentrism. |