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第 54  期

中央大學人文學報 第54期
National Central University Journal of Humanities Vol.54

General Article
On the Principle of Comparative East Asian Philosophy: Nishida Kitarō and Mou Zongsan
/ ASAKURA Tomomi    朝倉友海
關鍵詞: East Asian philosophy, basho, perfect teaching, act of consciousness, ontology
Keywords: 東亞哲學、場所、圓教、意識的活動、存有論
Wang Chuanshan’s Interpretations of “Mencius. Jing Qi Xin Zhe Zhang”
/ 蔡家和    Chia-he Tsai
關鍵詞: 氣化太虛格物
Keywords: spiritualization, original emptiness, knowing the ways of the world, theory, Tien, Tao
白先勇小說改編電影中的1949年和離散 經驗——以《最後的貴族》、《花橋榮記》 和《青春蝴蝶孤戀花》為例
The Year 1949 and Diaspora Experiences in Film Adaptation of Pai Hsien-yung’s Novels ─ Using The Last Aristocrats, My Rice Noodle Shop, and Love’s Lone Flower as the Examples
/ 莊宜文    Yi-wen Chuang
關鍵詞: 白先勇最後的貴族花橋榮記青春蝴蝶孤戀花離散經驗
Keywords: Pai Hsien-yung, The Last Aristocrats, My Rice Noodle Shop, Love’s Lone Flower, diaspora experience
從〈聲無哀樂論〉引用《莊子》「三籟」典故探其「聲情關係」中 所蘊含的工夫向度
The Practice Aspect of the “Sound-Feeling Relation” in Ji Kang’s “Sheng Wu Ai Le Lun” with Reference to “Three Notes” in Zhuangzi
/ 林修德    Siou-de Lin
關鍵詞: 嵇康聲無哀樂論聲情關係《莊子》三籟
Keywords: Ji Kang, Sheng Wu Ai Le Lun, Sound-Feeling Relation, Zhuangzi, Three Notes
No.69  2020 春季號
No.68  2019 秋季號
No.67  2019 春季號
No.66  2018 October
No.65  2018 April
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