1. The National Central University Journal of Humanities is a purely academic journal sponsored by the College of Liberal Arts of National Central University. As of April 2014 it has become a biannual journal, with issues appearing in April and October.
2. The main goal of the journal is to promote “interdepartmental, interdisciplinary, and intercultural” humanities research, and we welcome contributions from domestic and foreign scholars on related topics in literature, history, philosophy, art, society, or culture.
3. The Journal publishes scholarly articles and book reviews in Chinese, English, and French. Calls for submissions of special issues will be announced on the Journal’s website. Book reviews should, in principle, cover academic books published in the previous three years. Articles in Chinese should not exceed 20,000 characters and articles in English or French should not exceed 10,000 words (footnote and work cited included). Book reviews should not exceed 5,000 characters. Exceptions can occasionally be made under special circumstances.
4. Submissions will go through a three-stage process. Initial review is done by the editor or other local scholars; at the second stage, submissions will undergo a double-blind peer-review process. In the event that the external reviewers disagree, the piece will be sent to a third external reviewer. All reviewers will be recommended by the editorial committee. At the final stage, in accordance with the comments by reviewers, papers are subjected to approval by the editorial committee. Please ensure that no data identifying the author appear in the main text, abstract, or footnotes of the submitted manuscript. The order in which the accepted papers will be published is subject to the discretion of the editorial committee.