「尊天而保真」— 論《淮南子》的道論及 其精神修養之義涵 Respecting Heaven and Preserving the Truth — On Daoist Theory and Meaning of Spiritual Cultivation in The Huainanzi

Chen-Yu Chou



The Huainanzi which embodies the ideology of Daoism of Huang-lao and Laozi inherited the essence of the Daoist School and the theory of Huang-lao and Laozi since the pre-Qin Dynasty, bringing it into full play. The Daoist thought of Huang-lao and Laozi was not systematic until the completion of The Huainanzi. The book generally has been presumed the Eclectics, combining the doctrines of various schools and adopting the thought of Confucianism, Daoism,Legalism, the school of Yin-Yang (Positive and Negative Forces), and Mohism. Its content is wide-ranging and profound and can be considered the encyclopedia of thought and culture in the early Han Dynasty. When the book explains the logic of Heaven and the Earth, describes affairs in the human world, and expounds the doctrines of emperors, it starts with "Dao" and returns to "Dao" in the end as well. Therefore, "Dao" can be viewed as the core thought of The Huainanzi. Besides, it clearly depicts the process of how "Dao" developed and formed all living creatures in the universe and has completed the theory of gasification cosmology since the Qin and Han Dynasties. Moreover, "qi" serves as an internal element connecting humans and "Dao."

The book argues that humans have to emulate the inaction of Heaven and the Earth to reach the state of "one's spirit being tranquil without going to extremes and without being slack, and then the world will naturally obey." This is so-called "cultivating one's moral character before governing the affairs of a state and maintaining one's morality and conduct throughout one's entire life, and one can be said to be able to realize Dao."