劉宗周與黃宗羲《春秋》學比較析論 |
The Comparison of the Chunqiu Studies between Liu Zongzhou and Huang Zongxi |
作者 |
劉德明 |
Author |
Te-ming Liu |
關鍵詞 |
Keywords |
Liu Zongzhou,
Huang Zongxi,
classics and history study,
Zhetong school
摘要 |
劉宗周為明末理學大家,黃宗羲則是劉宗周最重要的弟子與清代浙東學派的創始者。本文欲透過見微知著的方法,對比劉宗周與黃宗羲兩人的《春秋》學。希望透過這種對比,一則能瞭解兩人《春秋》學的異同,並希望進一步瞭解兩人對儒學經典的立場與評價。總體而言,劉、黃兩人對於研讀五經一事都十分堅持,也認為經典是人成德必經且重要的途徑。但兩人對於《春秋》一書的評價則有所不同:劉宗周篤信《春秋》內容,而黃宗羲則對《春秋》內容有許多懷疑。也因為兩人對於《春秋》評價與立場的不同,所以黃宗羲發展出以著述新的典籍來代替注解典籍的一種特殊的承續經典的方法。 |
Abstract |
Liu Zongzhou was the last great Neo-Confucianism of Ming Dynasty and Huang Zongxi was his most important disciple and the founder of the Zhetong school of Qing Dynasty. This article compares their difference in the studies of Chunqiu as well as their different attitudes towards Confucian classics through some fine observations between their comments. Both of them attached great importance to the study of the five classics (wujing). They also agreed that studying the classics is necessary for the cultivation of virtues. But Liu Zongzhou and Huang Zongxi have different evaluations on Chunqiu. Liu accepted the truthfulness of Chunqiu while Huang retained quite a lot of doubt with the contents of Chunqiu. It is because of these differences, Huang Zongxi developed the method of recasting new classics in place of explications of classics as a special way for the continuation of the heritage of classics. |