FaceBook pڭ
第 52  期

General Article

「中華民國 53 年經濟建設成果展覽會」與僑資企業研究
“1964 Economic Development Exposition” and Overseas Chinese Enterprise
作者 李道緝
Author Tao-chi Lee
關鍵詞 經濟僑資企業經建展展覽會李國鼎
Keywords economy, overseas enterprise, E. D. E., exposition, K. T. Li
摘要 本文是以「中華民國53年經濟建設成果展覽會」為切入點,考察20世紀50-70年代臺灣經濟活動中,非常特殊的一個群體――僑資企業在當時官(黨官僚)商(資本家)結合的時代所扮演的角色。50年代以後的臺灣僑資企業,實屬政策特權下的產物,政府以政策上的優惠待遇,吸引僑資來臺投資,而更重要的是藉由這樣的優惠政策,建構臺灣與海外華人新的聯結關係,即以經濟紐帶取代傳統的血緣、地緣關係,故僑資企業在政治上,實具有彰顯在臺灣的中華民國政府是正統中國的代表,是海外華人的祖國的意涵。因此,相對的,僑資企業在享受優惠待遇下,回報的是扮演著忠誠的「樣板」企業角色,提供政府反共政策宣傳之用,此次經建展中的僑資館,在10月國家慶典中,對內對外都是正統宣示的樣板,國家與僑資企業的互動互利,是本論文所要處理的論點之一。此外,本論文也希望藉由僑資企業參展廠商的股本性質及展示話語,考察其融入臺灣社會的程度,尤其實質是外資的僑資,如何利用「國貨」的話語,呈現其「本土化」的脈絡。
Abstract This research will be based on “1964 Economic Development Exposition” to study the overseas business which played a special roles during the Taiwan economic activity of 1950s-1970s which is a period of Bureaucrats (partisan/bureaucracy) combined with Commerce (capitalists). The Taiwan overseas business after the 1950s was produced by the government’s policy delineating privilege. Taiwan government declared the superior measures for attracting the overseas businessmen to invest which prompted the foreign capitals to come to Taiwan, instead of constructing between Taiwan and overseas Chinese through the superior arrangements. In other words, economic relationship replaces the traditional blood, and geography contact, which proves that the political body of the R.O.C. in Taiwan is the legitimate Chinese sovereignty that will be the mother-state of the overseas Chinese. On the contrary, on receiving the superior treatments, the overseas businessmen take the royal merchant model to supply the anti-communist propagation for the Taiwan government in return. The overseas investment center exhibition during the Double Tenth Festival was the model which represented the legitimate rule of Taiwan. The advantages between the nation-state and the overseas businessmen’s collaboration are the main points of this research. Beside, the overseas business underwent a series of localization, this research will deal expect dealing with the overseas business capital character and the exposed dialogues to investigate how they enter into Taiwan society, especially how the foreign investment manipulated the national products dialogues to represent their localization.
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