FaceBook pڭ
第 52  期

General Article

Collated notes on “DuGuoYuJianDuanJi” by Li Ciming
作者 郭萬青
Author Wanqing Guo
關鍵詞 李慈銘簡端記國語補箋
Keywords Li Ciming, JianDuanJi, GuoYu, collated notes
摘要 清代是整個中國學術史上札記體學術著作最為繁富的時代,許多《國語》研究資料散見於學術札記中,因此,系統整理並研究這些札記中的《國語》研究材料,無疑對系統開展《國語》歷時研究具有重要意義。本文以《越縵堂讀書簡端記》中之〈讀國語簡端記〉為對象,首先對全部條目進行研究,在此基礎上擷得24條以為補箋,根據這24條所論內容的不同分為解詁語義、辨明文字、指明名物形制、揭出公序本與明道本語序不同、指明公序本與明道本音讀不同、指明一本脫誤等六個方面,並對每一條目進行補說,最後對李氏以及以李氏為代表的札記體著作沿用前人而不出注的現象進行了初步分析,以有益於李氏〈讀國語簡端記〉之研讀與《國語》之研究。
Abstract Qing Dynasty is the most prolific era in Chinese history in terms of academic notes and many GuoYu’s research data are scattered in these notes. Therefore, studying the notes in the “GuoYu” study material has important significance. According to “DuGuoYuJianDuanJi” in the book Yue Man Tang DuShu JianDuanJi, we collected 24 cases. According to the content, these cases can be divided into six aspects, semantic interpretation, analysis of characters structure, exposing the specified order of names and things, exposing the different word order between GongXu and MingDao, exposing the different pronunciation of some words between GongXu and MingDao, exposing the word omissions or errors either in GongXu or MingDao, and so on. We try to interpret each of the 24 cases. Lastly, we obtain a preliminary answer that Li Ciming quoted others’ arguments but he didn’t specified. We hope that our research is beneficial to the study of Li’s “Du GuoYu JianDuanJi” and GuoYu.
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