FaceBook pڭ
第 50  期

General Article

The Advancement of Defense Lines of Frontier Guards and the Transition of Aboriginal Boundary During the Japanese Colonial Period
作者 鄭安晞
Author Anshi Cheng
關鍵詞 理蕃蕃界隘勇隘勇線隘勇線推進
Keywords Ruling aborigines, aboriginal boundary, frontier guards, defense lines of frontier guards, advancement of defense lines of frontier guards
摘要 清代臺灣「隘制」的研究成果頗豐,但多數集中於光緒以前。日治初各地的隘防,除位置退卻外,也並未完全包圍原住民;當發生「南庄事件」(1902)後,官方才將隘勇納入警察本署管理,並漸次透過隘勇線推進方式,包圍蕃地,迫使原住民歸順官方。
Abstract In the Ching Dynasty, there are abundant researches regarding the frontier guard system, most of which emphasize on the period before the Reign of Emperor Guang Xu. After Taiwan’s cession to Japan in 1895,the frontier guard system collapsed, and the wild aborigines took back the territory demarcated during the Ching Dynasty. The final lineation of the frontier guard was formed in 1902 during the Japanese Colonial Period.
The thesis was done with a large amount of field investigations and meticulous historical researches. The advancement numbers during the Japanese Colonial Period and aboriginal boundary mapped by GIS were indicated here.
Regarding geographic locations, fortifications, traditional indigenous territories, official aboriginal policies, the advancement of defense lines of frontier guards comprise six periods.
The four processes are necessary for circumscription of aboriginal lands into general administrative areas. The fist one is to conduct via surveying and mapping. The second is cadastral registration. The third is land development and immigration. The fourth is to adopt household registration and taxation. Different policies are implemented in different regions. In the north, advancement of defense lines of frontier guard is conducted; in the south, official residences of aboriginal affairs are set up. Besides, Japanese government includes aboriginal lands into national administrative governance. The governance consists of three types.
After 1920, more aboriginal lands were circumscribed to general administrative regions, and the defense lines of frontier guards were replaced with aboriginal ruling roads or with the boundaries of aboriginal villages and plainsmen townships.
/ 何淑靜    Shu-ching Ho
/ 李瑞全    Shui-chuen Lee
/ 楊令飛    Lingfei Yang
/ 梁慕靈    Mo-ling Rebecca Leung
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