FaceBook pڭ
第 6  期


Tradition and Innovation in the Fourth Piano Sonata “Festa”of Jiang Wenye
作者 宮筱筠
Author Hsiao-Yun Kung
關鍵詞 江文也第四號鋼琴奏鳴曲《狂歡日》民歌《蘭花花》汪立三民族音樂風格音樂分析比較
Keywords Jiang Wenye (Chiang Wen-Yeh), Piano Sonata “Festa”, Folk song “Lan Huahua”, Wang Li-San, National music style, Musical analysis of comparison
摘要 綜觀整個中國新音樂的發展史,絕大多數的中國作曲家以及廣義上的華人作曲家,莫不是在努力探索結合西方音樂與本國傳統的各種可能性;如何藉由西方音樂技術,創造出一種嶄新的民族音樂風格,或是說如何藉由民族音樂的特色,創造出中國的新音樂,一直是華人作曲家最大的課題。而作曲家們的困境也在於,如何在創作中融合這兩種截然不同的中西音樂傳統。
Abstract A general survey of the history of the development of Chinese new music would show that most Chinese composers made great efforts to explore the various possibilities of combining Western music with Chinese traditions. How to create a Chinese national music style with Western musical techniques, or how to create modern music with Chinese characteristics, has always been the greatest issue among modern Chinese composers. The Chinese composers' predicament has stemmed from creatively blending the Chinese and Western musical traditions, which are entirely different.
The fourth sonata “Festa” of Jiang Wenye (1910-1983) combines Chinese folk music on the one hand while seriously exploring the characteristics of the Western sonata form on the other hand. This paper analyzes Jiang Wenye's sonata in detail to investigate how the folk elements are combined with the highly developed sonata form. The questions explored in this paper include: how tradition is balanced with innovation; how traditional values are displayed; to which extent is tradition reconstructed. Wang Lisan (1933*), a contemporary of Jiang, composed a piano piece, “Lan Huahua,” based on the same folk song as Jiang's work. A comparison between these two composers' works may also highlight the differences between Jiang Wenye's work and those of other composers.
/     David Carrier
/ 徐文琴    Hsu Wen-Chin
/ 周芳美    Fang-mei Chou
/ 林聖智    Sheng-chih Lin
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