FaceBook pڭ
第 7  期


Self-portraits, Family Portraits, and the Issue of Identity: a Tentative Analysis of Three Taiwanese Painters of the Japanese Colonial Period
作者 顏娟英
Author Chuan-ying Yen
摘要 日治時期台灣,作為殖民地畫家,在作品裡表現地方色彩是別無選擇的創作之道,但表達自己獨特的想法才是畫家創作道路上的原動力。在殖民政府嚴竣的規範下,如何為自己、為家人乃至於為台灣社會文化而發聲,無疑是一項艱鉅的工作。
Abstract During Taiwan's Japanese colonial period, Taiwan's artists had few creative options but to express “local color,” even though the expression of one's unique ways of thinking is what drives artists on the creative route. Under the strict rules of the colonial government, determining how to give voice to oneself, one's family, or Taiwan's society as a whole was a hugely difficult task.
This article, in analyzing the self-portraits and family portraits of three artists, finds that although they likewise identified with “Taiwan” and to showing its local color, their artistic and interpretive methods were completely different. The short-lived, straightforwardly passionate Chen Chih-Chi left images of strong, determined Taiwanese women. Li Shih-Chiao expressed cold, subtle protests over his status as a painter in a colonized land as well as his profound concern for society through his efforts to refine an academic style. Chen Chin, as the only female painter, threw herself boldly into the male-dominated colonial painting community. The beautiful, chaste, well-dressed women that she chose to depict appear to tread on thin ice, walking on the border between winning the acceptance of male society and expressing their feminine self-awareness. In sum, the fact that these artists either studied and absorbed the cultural values of the Japanese empire, or compromised them, or even at times protested against them or expressed opposing values bespeaks their individual differences within the context of their collective social identity, and this itself is an important part of Taiwanese cultural identity.
/ 洪再新    Zaixin Hong
/ 李淑珠    Su-Chu Li
/ 許綺玲    Chi-Lin Hsu
/ 盛鎧    Kai Sheng
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