FaceBook pڭ
第 69  期

General Article

Experiment, Research and Extension: The Organization and Function of Taoyuan District Agricultural Improvement Station (1917-1999)
作者 李力庸
Author Li-yung Lee
關鍵詞 農業改良場農會農業推廣稻米蔬菜
Keywords Agricultural Research and Extension Station, Famers’ association, Agricultural extension, Rice, Vegetables
摘要 行政院桃園區農業改良場的前身為臺北州與新竹州農事試驗場。戰後,地方行政制度調整,為了不讓其人力、設備等資源被割裂,而保持原來的試驗範圍,但由縣政府改隸農林廳,提高其地位。後又因都市化的因素而合併,有了今天的桃園區農業改良場。戰後日本人離開,多元的學術體系進入農改場,對農業復原與轉型有所助益。日治時期本區的試驗重點主要配合國家的米穀政策,但也形成蔬菜研發的區域特色,戰後經濟由農轉工後,飲食與生活型態改變,稻米生產過剩,轉而研發區域性精緻作物。原本,農改場負責將技術傳遞給農會,而農會將品種技術推廣給農民,但農會日漸朝金融業務發展,農改場的研究推廣角色日益鮮明,技術的流傳也不斷創新,形成農業推廣多元化的現象。
Abstract The Taoyuan District Agricultural Improvement Station (TYDAIS) was
formerly known as the Taipei Agricultural Test Field and the Hsinchu
Agricultural Test Field. In order to retain its resources and test scopes after the adjustment of local administrative divisions in 1950, the charge of agricultural test fields was changed from county to the Department of Agriculture and Forestry. Due to urbanization, the Taipei Agricultural Improvement Station and the Hsinchu Agricultural Improve Station were merged to the TYDAIS. With the Japanese leaving, the diversified academic system entered the TYDAIS. It was helpful to the restoration and transformation of agriculture. During the Japanese Occupation period, the experiment and research were mainly executing the rice policy of Taiwan Governor general’s Office, but also formed the regional characteristics of vegetables. After the post war, economy transferred from agriculture to industry. Then, the living style changed and there was overproduction of rice, and the TYDAIS tried hard to develop regional delicate crops. Originally, the TYDAIS was responsible for passing the technology to the farmers’ associations, and the farmers’associations would promote the technology to the farmers. However, the farmers’ associations had gradually developed into financial business. That made the research of agricultural extension of TYDAIS become more and more important. And the ways of extension had been continuously innovated and resulted in multiple agricultural extensions.
/ 劉俊法    Chun-fa Liu
/ 朱鴻洲    Hung-chou Chu
/ 林待吟    Tai-yin Lin
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