黄宗羲氣論之重新定位 |
A New Topology of Huang Zongxi’s Philosophy |
作者 |
陳榮灼 |
Author |
Wing-cheuk Chan |
關鍵詞 |
Keywords |
Huang Zongxi,
Liu Zongzhou,
Wang Yangming,
School of Mind,
doctrine of qi
摘要 |
於當代學界中,迄今對黃宗羲哲學之「定位」,大致上分成兩種方式:一是將之歸入陽明的「心學」傳統,另一則視之為「自然主義」或「唯物論」。本文旨在否証黃宗羲哲學屬陽明的「心學」,同時對其「氣論」發展出一「非自然主義」、「非唯物論」之解讀方式。特別地,透過對早期牟宗三和劉述先所作之解釋的批判,本文對黃宗羲哲學作出一嶄新之「定位」。 |
Abstract |
In modern scholarship on Huang Zongxi, there are two main currents in topological determination of his philosophy. While one attributes him to Wang Yangming's School of Mind, the other understands him as a naturalist or materialist. This paper aims to refute both of them. In achieving this goal, it will develop a non-idealistic, non-naturalistic, and non-materialistic reading of Huang’s doctrine of qi. Particularly, in terms of a critique of the early Mou Zongsan and Liu Shuxian’s misinterpretation, it will introduce a new topology of Huang's thought. |