理查‧史特勞斯〈七紗舞〉的創作歷史與其意義 |
The Compositional History of Richard Strauss |
作者 |
蔡永凱 |
Author |
Yung-Kai Tsai |
關鍵詞 |
Keywords |
Richard Strauss,
Dance of the Seven Veils,
music publishing
摘要 |
〈七紗舞〉可說是理查‧史特勞斯歌劇《莎樂美》中最知名的段落,然而至今的相關研究,關注的多半為舞蹈面向,較少直接討論其音樂。本研究以手稿研究出發,解讀史特勞斯在其草稿簿裡的相關段落,一方面重建〈七紗舞〉的創作過程;另一方面也比較手稿與完成作品的差異。本文亦將搭配《莎樂美》歌劇在印刷與演出準備過程的書信記錄,將這段音樂詮釋為作曲家在音樂創作與音樂實務的困境中,所找到的有效解決方式。 |
Abstract |
The “Dance of the Seven Veils” is the most famous part in Richard Strauss's opera Salome. However, the literature pertaining to it so far tends to put more emphasis on its dance than its music. This study analyzes the relevant pages in the composer's sketchbooks. It on the one hand reconstructs the compositional history of this music, but on the other hand it also compares the drafts with the finished version. With the aid of the correspondence during the preparation of its printing and premiere this study also interprets this piece of music as a solution to Strauss's time pressure as well as his bottleneck to the composition of a dance in an opera. |
專號序 / 易鵬、連憲升 Peng Yi, Hsien-Sheng Lien |