FaceBook pڭ
第 77  期

Special Issue

翻轉哲學傳播的可能性: 連結哲學與大眾的新媒體
Rethinking Philosophy Communication: New Media for Connecting Philosophy with Public Audiences
作者 邱獻儀、鄭凱元
Author Hsien-I Chiu、Kai-Yuan Jheng
關鍵詞 公共哲學哲學媒體哲學普及哲學教育知識型自媒體
Keywords Public philosophy, Philosophy media, Popular Philosophy, Philosophy education, Knowledge-based self-media
摘要 哲學傳播作為一種事業,在面臨新媒體興起、臺灣社會環境變遷的挑戰下,逐漸從過去的紙本書籍內容,轉變為多媒體影音的多元傳播形式;哲學內容的產製者,也從學院中的哲學專業者,擴大為任何有心從事哲學普及的創作者;哲學普及的內容則從人生哲學擴及各哲學子領域。在眾多條件配合下,帶來哲學傳播的新模式的可能性:一個以推廣哲學與哲學教育為核心價值,並透過新媒體形式向大眾報導哲學界動態,同時聯繫學界與相關政府單位的獨立哲學媒體。本文以社會企業,哲學新媒體為例,說明這樣的哲學傳播組織或許是面對未來哲學傳播瓶頸與挑戰的解方之一。
Abstract Philosophy communication as public philosophy has undergone a significant transformation in recent years, driven by the rise of new media and the changing social landscape in Taiwan. Traditionally confined to print publications, philosophy communication has now embraced a diverse range of multimedia formats, including videos and audio content. The producers of philosophy content have also expanded. They are no longer limited to academic philosophers but now include any creator interested in popularizing philosophy. The subject of philosophy popularization has also expanded from philosophy of life to various subfields of philosophy. These converging factors have given rise to the possibility of a new model of philosophy communication: an independent philosophy media that takes the promotion of philosophy and philosophy education as its core values, reports on trends of the philosophy community through new media to the general public, and holds academia and relevant government agencies accountable. This thesis explores the potential of such philosophy communication organizations, takes the social enterprise Philosophy Medium as a case study, to show that it could be one of the solutions to the bottlenecks and challenges facing philosophy communication in the future.
/ 蘇子媖    Tzu-Ying Su
公共哲學在臺灣: 以「哲學星期五」為個案的考察
/ 吳豐維    Feng-Wei Wu
/ 呂健吉    Chien-Chi Lu
/ 陳瓊霞    Chiung-Hsia Chen
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