FaceBook pڭ
第 77  期

Special Issue

Cultivating Future Talent: The Necessity and Practice of Children's Philosophy Education
作者 陳瓊霞
Author Chiung-Hsia Chen
關鍵詞 兒童哲學教育思辨能力多元能力培養李普曼
Keywords Children’s Philosophy Education, Critical Thinking Skills, Multidimensional Skill Development, Matthew Lipman
摘要 本文旨在透過以下兩個問題:社會需要什麼樣的人才?我們 應如何培養這些能力?說明為什麼我們需要對孩童進行兒童哲學 教育。本文首先通過兩段孩童語言遊戲的例子,說明兒童在對話 遊戲中展現的哲學思維。如果具適當的引導,他們的思維能力將 會得到進一步提升。其次,面對快速變遷的社會,我們需要多元 的能力,必須培養各類素養來提升應對環境和解決問題的能力, 而兒童哲學課程正是具備這些培養能力的特色。接著,介紹美國 兒童哲學家李普曼(Matthew Lipman)等人的觀點,說明兒童哲 學的五個課程目標,進一步論證兒童哲學教育對於應對快速變遷 社會的能力培養有實質幫助。最後,簡要介紹臺灣發展兒童哲學 的幾個主要團體。
Abstract This paper aims to address the following two questions: What kind of talent does society need? How can we cultivate these abilities? It explains why we need to provide children with philosophical education. Firstly, through two examples of children’s language games, it illustrates how children demonstrate philosophical thinking during dialogue games. With appropriate guidance, their thinking abilities can be further enhanced. Secondly, in the face of a rapidly changing society, diverse skills are needed, and it is essential to cultivate various competencies to improve our ability to cope with the environment and solve problems. The children's philosophy curriculum is particularly effective in fostering these skills. Next, the perspectives of American children’s philosopher Matthew Lipman and others are introduced to explain the five curriculum goals of children’s philosophy, further demonstrating that children's philosophical education substantially aids in developing the abilities required to cope with a rapidly changing society. Finally, several key organizations in Taiwan dedicated to the development of children's philosophy are briefly introduced.
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