FaceBook pڭ
第 77  期

Special Issue

公共哲學在臺灣: 以「哲學星期五」為個案的考察
Public Philosophy in Taiwan: “Philosophy on Friday” and the Idea of Public Use of Reason
作者 吳豐維
Author Feng-Wei Wu
關鍵詞 理性的公開運用公共領域民主危機批判意識
Keywords Public use of reason, public sphere, democratic crisis, critical awareness
摘要 公共哲學是一個晚近學界討論的關鍵字,本篇論文考察出它可能蘊含的三種概念,分別是公共事務的哲學、大眾哲學,以及理性的公開運用。這三個概念雖然有所區分,但是在現實的使用中經常是混雜與並存的,並非全然互斥。本論文接著從理性的公開運用切入,探討臺灣的公共哲學的實踐,尤其是近二十年的沙龍文化,並以「哲學星期五」此一公共論壇為考察的個案。本論文認為,在現今社群媒體的時代下,激情衝突與冷漠無感會促進政治極化的危機,進而造成民主內部的自我崩解,因此,公共哲學更顯現其實踐的重要性。
Abstract In this paper, I investigate three distinct concepts of public philosophy: philosophy of public affairs, popular philosophy, and the idea of public use of reason. These three concepts are partially related and not mutually excluded. I focus on the idea of public use of reason and investigate its practice in Taiwan’s recent social context. In the past twenty years, a public forum (salon) called “Philosophy on Friday” is gaining traction, which I argue, is an example par excellence of the idea. I also argue that in the age of democratic infighting and polarization, public philosophy may be part of the solution to the crisis.
/ 蘇子媖    Tzu-Ying Su
翻轉哲學傳播的可能性: 連結哲學與大眾的新媒體
/ 邱獻儀、鄭凱元    Hsien-I Chiu、Kai-Yuan Jheng
/ 呂健吉    Chien-Chi Lu
/ 陳瓊霞    Chiung-Hsia Chen
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