FaceBook pڭ
第 58  期

Special Issue

The Queer Paranoia of Homonormativity and Reparative Reading of the Taiwanese LGBT Movement
作者 劉文
Author Wen Liu
關鍵詞 酷兒理論同性婚姻同性戀正典化同志運動新自由主義
Keywords Queer Theory, Same-Sex Marriage, Homonormativity, LGBT movement, Neoliberalism
摘要 近年來,同性婚姻成為臺灣同志社群中重要的政治議題,將
Abstract Same-sex marriage has become an important political issue in the LGBT communities in Taiwan within the past few years. The marriage equality movement emphasizes that marriage is a basic human right and adopts the rhetoric of citizenship to seek LGBT inclusion in the nation-state. At the same time, a queer left that critiques the LGBT inclusionary effort into the nationstate and the normalizing forces of same-sex marriage has also solidified as a strong voice and politics against same-sex marriage in this debate. In this paper, through clarifying the historical context of the marriage equality movement and the specificity of neo-liberal sexual governance in the United States, I question the intelligibility and effectiveness of the queer left's appropriation of the discourse of "homonormativity" in the Taiwanese context. Drawing from Eve Sedgwick's reflexive critiques on paranoid hermeneutics of suspicion commonly practiced by queer theorists, I point to the limits of directly employing queer critiques as a political strategy, and the possibility of an antibinary stance on the same-sex marriage debate in the current movement.
同性婚姻面面觀 — 專題導言
/ 甯應斌    Yin-Bin Ning
/ 關啟文    Kai-Man Kwan
為何同性戀平權不是同婚的有效理由?— 兼論剩餘認可
/ 甯應斌(卡維波)    Yin-Bin Ning
只破不立,無以為繼 — 談毀家廢婚派的幾點問題
/ 何思瑩    Szu-Ying Ho
/ 邱子安    Zi-An Chiu
/ 郭彥伯    Yen-Bo Kuo
排除與補殘 — 從晚近同婚倡議探究臺灣性別政治鬥爭
/ 洪凌    Lucifer Hung
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