只破不立,無以為繼 — 談毀家廢婚派的幾點問題 |
Destruction without Re-construction: Some Comments on Anti-Family Left-leaning Queer Discourses in Taiwan |
作者 |
何思瑩 |
Author |
Szu-Ying Ho |
關鍵詞 |
Keywords |
Queer Family,
Gay Marriage,
Chosen Family,
Welfare State ∗
摘要 |
他們沒有資格成家,並認為家庭作為累積私有財產的單位,將導致資源分配不均的惡化。我們認為,資源不均與階級不正義的巨大問題都非常應該被深入分析、理解,並進而透過制度改善。但是,僅僅是「取消婚姻」並無法立刻導致「各種資源重新平等分配」。我們認為,應該在制度上不斷修正,使婚姻家庭成為更為平等的制度與單位,同時推動更具有性別平等意識的福利國家制度,使每個家戶成員皆可具有參與有酬勞動市場以及負擔照護活動的機會與基礎。因此,我們主張應以法律保障同志家庭的種種權利與義務,也不應忽略酷兒主體成家以後將有可能賦予家庭嶄新的意義與想像。 |
Abstract |
Anti-family left-leaning queer in Taiwan contend that impoverished queers are not qualified for family due to their lack of economic, emotional, and cultural capital. The class injustice and unequal distributed resources should be analyzed and further corrected by the institution, but the "revocation of marriage" will not directly lead to wealth equally distributed. We should reconstitute family and marriage as a more equal and fair institution. Also, we should provide the same opportunities to let every individual family member can equally and freely choose to participate in paid work and caring work by welfare state policy arrangements. Consequently, we contend that the queer family rights should be protected by queer marriage legalization. At the same time, we should not ignore queer’s agency to embody family new meaning and images. |