「意識之經驗底科學」之對象問題: 《精神現象學》〈導論〉部分第十段之現象學性詮釋 Problematic of Object in “the Science of the Experience of Consciousness”:A phenomenological Interpretation of §10 from Hegel’s “Introduction” in Phenomenology of Spirit

Jing-Jong Luh



The “introduction” is the introduction to “the science of the experience of consciousness.” The part from §9 to §17 introduces the original problem and the theory of the dialectical experience of consciousness, which initiates from that problem. They comprise the basic conception of it’s resolution, the meta-conceptual model of analysis of consciousness- phenomenon, the genetic-dynamical structure of dialectical experience of consciousness and the framework of the whole exposition. This essay focuses on §10, i.e. the topic about problematic of object in “the Science of the Experience of Consciousness,” especially concentrating on the basic structure of consciousness. Paragraph 9 indicates the paradox of “the exposition of the self-appearing knowledge” or “the science of the experience of consciousness” as the appearing science, which is the examiner and at the same time the examinee. Paragraph 10 explains the basic conception of solution of this paradox. It is that the object of this science, the structure of consciousness as the differentiation and the relation of the consciousness itself, the knowledge and the truth can resolve the paradox.