真文學及假書寫:博蘭,布朗肖的先驅者 Real Literature and False Writing: Jean Paulhan, Maurice Blanchot’s Precursor

Yi-fan Pan



The literature has both reality meanings of presenting the general knowledge and the abstract meanings of aesthetic arts. This “double meaning” leads Jean Paulhan to question the definition of literature between rhetoric and communication. Later, Maurice Blanchot proves his idea about the multiplicity of writing based on this thought of Paulhan. This paper is trying to reconstruct the relationship between two authors and demonstrate the variation amid crisis and revolution. This article is divided into three parts. The first part is going to explore how Paulhan argued what he so-called “the literary terror” according his book Les Fleurs de Tarbes ou La Terreur dans les lettres. And the second part is attempting to show the interpretation of Blanchot in Comment la littérature est-elle possible?, what has been transited by the idea of Paulhan. The third part is going to analyse the relation between the origin and the critic interpretation script, and then prove the thoughts of Blanchot’s idea of writing — the duality of creation and misunderstanding. In conclusion, this is going to re-define the meaning and the value of Blanchot’s literary criticism.