Shen-Si Qu

「內在價值」(intrinsic value) 之於環境倫理學的眾多主張之間,是一個相當核心且重要的議題。許多重要的說法,必須先透過此概念的釐定,才得以架構其學說論述,尤其是在生態中心主義或生命中心主義。「內在價值」的論述策略,主要是透過肯定非人類的自然成員適用這樣的核心概念,不論是「抬高」其他自然成員的道德地位,或是「降低」人類原來的道德地位,其企圖在於將人類與其他自然成員的地位做出平等的道德考量。以達到對其他自然成員甚至是生態整體的保護、尊敬與珍視。不過這概念的提出也引發不同立場的主張,然則其概念發展的重要性在於生態界的其他存有物的珍視與保護立場上又是不容忽略的論述。是以,


Among the various statements of environmental ethics, the concept of intrinsic value is an important and core issue. Before the scholars found their main discourses, they usually have to clarify this concept first for their stance, especially for the ecocentrism and biocentrism. The strategies of discussion about intrinsic value try to endow the other beings with intrinsic value; either to raise the moral status of other members in nature, or to devalue the original moral status of human being, it tries to make an equal consideration between human and other members in nature, aiming at the protection, respect and cherishing for nature. However, the proposition of the concept of intrinsic value arouses the different viewpoints. Such debates show that concept of intrinsic value is necessary for the developing the notion of environmental ethics. I wonder if there is any more stable argument to replace the controversies. I suggest the autonomy principles of Confucianism mentioned in Yi-zhuan, especially the self-accomplishment of a virtuous person who tries his/her best to take care all aspects of the environment, including other members in nature. By such approach, I try to rebuild the concept of intrinsic value and its practice.

環境美學:東方與西方的對話Environmental Aesthetics: East-West Dialogue

/ 〔美〕荷姆斯‧羅斯頓Ⅲ(著)、〔中〕齊君(譯)Holmes Rolston, III (translated by Jun Qi)