Meng-Chien Lin



The first Asian law of Patient Right to Autonomy Act was passed three years ago and implemented on 6 January, 2019. It is a bill after the Act of Palliative Treatment, taking the patient as the subject of decision, and it concerns the rights of terminal patients. In this paper, I begin with a comparison of the two bills to show the basic principles and the way it promotes the protection of the patient’s right in medical treatment. Its ethical justifications is further analyzed according to bioethical principles, namely the basic principle of respect of autonomy and the practical procedures in the principle of informed consent. I try to show how to fulfill the respect of the right of patients’ autonomy and self-determination with some suggestions for further improvement.

從北京首例冷凍胚胎案看患者自主權An Analysis of Patients’ Autonomy from the First Case Frozen Embryo of Beijing

/ 田文鳳、張新慶、張群芝、杜華英Tian Wen-Feng, Zhang Xinqing, Zhang Jing-Zhi, Du Hua Ying