跨海演出:近代臺灣的馬戲團表演史(1900-1940年代) Overseas Performance: History of Circus Show in Modern Taiwan (1900s-1940s)

Li-jung Cheng



This paper aims to analyze from the aspect of social, economic and political condition in modern Taiwan, to explore how the Japanese circus troupe as the carrier of hybrid cultures, going on tours which cross regions and beyond national borders. The article makes use of the report of Taiwan Daily New Times mainly, supplemented by the diaries, oral history or memoirs of related persons, and refers to the research on Japanese circus history. Modern Japan was not only the periphery of the Western culture, but also the center of its empire power region. It always exports its influence to the periphery of its empire in economy and culture. Because colonial Taiwan was the so-called periphery of Japanese Empire, how and what did it receive the home culture from Japan during the colonial times?

This article first analyzes the history before the bloom of circus in Taiwan, discusses the origin of Japanese circuses, probes into the first time circus performance held in Taiwan. Next it sorts out the cases of performances. Finally it uses several examples to clear up what memory remained in Taiwan about the circus performances. In conclusion, it finds that the Japanese circuses made their overseas traveling show in Taiwan by means of the mobilization of social organization. However, because of lacking in for connecting with Taiwan society, the circuses were unable to take root in Taiwan, they got weak and degenerated during the wartime. The heritage of these external circuses was a Taiwan local circus troupe founded under the influence of one of them. Besides, animal performance was held in Taiwan zoos, until the animal defense movement arose to challenge them.