東漢知識份子的流離與認同——以班彪、王粲、蔡琰為例 The Exile and Identity of Intellectuals in East-Han Dynasty: On Ban Biao, Wang Can and Cai Yan

Ya-wen He



When the intellectuals have no choice but face the decline and destruction of their own country, they have to do some complicated choices concerning survival, career and moral courage. This paper focuses on Ban Biao, Wang Can and Cai Yan. The times, in which they lived, as well as the situations they found themselves in and their genders, all these are generally different, despite some similarities. The following questions are dealt with: how do they confront his/her own reality, establish the intention of identity? Furthermore, in the way away from/return home, how do they develop their self-interpretations by the realization and description of people, things and events they encounter and experience? In short, they displayed three patterns and choices of the intellectuals which are the basic modes of traditional Chinese intellectuals facing the problems of identity.