FaceBook pڭ
第 53  期

General Article

Ye Si’s Intercultural “Foodscape” — Using his Poems as the Research Core
作者 蕭欣浩
Author Yan-ho Siu
關鍵詞 也斯飲食詩遷移殖民跨文化
Keywords Ye Si, diet poem, migration, colonization, intercultural
摘要 也斯(梁秉鈞)不同文類的著作當中,包含紛繁多樣的飲食元素,飲食背後的各種意義,均具研究價值。透過探析也斯與飲食相關的作品,可了解當中所表達的不同意涵。本文以也斯的詩作為研究範圍,嘗試從飲食的角度,探討食物與文化的多重關係,了解也斯對飲食的態度。
Abstract The writer Ye Si (Leung Ping-kwan) loves to use food elements as the theme of his works. This paper would try to reveal the meaning behind “food” and use Ye Si’s writings to show his passion on eating and how he makes use of food and eating to express his views. The paper aims to use food as an angle to observe Ye Si’s poems, to see the relationship between food and culture.
The paper contains four parts. The first part would show different use of mussel and “fermented bean drink” in different places in order to explore the varieties of international culture. The second part will show the difficulties of breaking the gaps between different cultures, like language problems and misunderstandings between cultures, by using “Swiss wing” and pounded tea. The third part will probe the problem caused by expatriation (especially for the immigration of Toronto and Singapore etc.). Ye Si used symbolic foods like “dim-sum” and “Hainan chicken rice” to show the feeling and living condition of the immigrants (Vietnam, Indonesia, Hong Kong etc.). The last part would show the features of different colonies, such as Hong Kong and Indonesia, through “saffron rice”, “tea-coffee”.
/ 佐藤將之    Masayuki Sato
/ 孫致文    Chih-wen Sun
/ 何雅雯    Ya-wen He
/ 黃雅莉    Ya-li Huang
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