FaceBook pڭ
第 30  期


On Zhu Xi’s Mencius-Interpretation: From a Hermeneutical to a Developmental Approach
作者 陳榮灼
Author Chan, Wing-cheuk
關鍵詞 朱子陸象山孟子牟宗三
Keywords Zhu Xi, Lu Xiangshan, Mencius, Mou Zongsan
摘要 傳統以來,朱子的孟子圖像一向被視為正統,可是,於當代學界牟宗三卻一反前人之說,首倡陸象山、而非朱子,方是孟子的正統傳人。基於著名的「朱陸異同」論爭在宋明儒學、乃至中國哲學史上之重要性,如何去了解這兩位儒者的「孟子解」之本質差異,也是很有意義和饒有興味的。簡單而言,本文旨在展示:對比於象山的「主體主義」式進路,朱子的進路則是同時具有「共同體主義」與「反觀念論」的特色。象山的孟子圖像基本上是「唯意志論的」,而朱子的孟子圖像則是「理性主義的」。從方法論而言,朱子的觀點乃是「從下而上」——所謂「下學而上達」,因此朱子的進路乃是「具體的」。這亦可以為朱子的「認知主義」的孟子圖像提供一辯解,從而平衡牟宗三對其之低貶。
Abstract Traditionally, Zhu Xi’s philosophy has been identified as a synthesis of the whole Song Confucianism. In particular, Zhu’s image of Mencius has enjoyed an orthodox status. However, in modern scholarship Mou Zongsan revolted against such a typology. Mou claimed that it is Lu Xiangshan that should be identified as a faithful follower of Mencius. This paper aims to show that in contrast to Lu’s subjectivistic approach, Zhu adopted a communitarian approach. Lu’s image of Mencius is volitionalist, whereas Zhu’s image of Mencius is rationalist. Methodologically, Zhu’s approach is bottom- up. Accordingly, it is more concrete in character. In this way, this paper will develop a positive understanding of Zhu’s cognitivism. As a consequence, it will give rise to a balance of Mou’s undermining Zhu’s Confucian thought.
/ 楊晋龍    Yang, Chin-lung
/ 趙敬邦    Chiu, King-pong
/ 江一煥    Jiang, Yi-huan
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