FaceBook pڭ
第 9  期


Chinese Paintings in Tan'yū Shukuzu (Tan'yū's Authentication Sketches)—A Study on a Tan'yū Shukuzu Handscroll in a Japanese Private Collection
作者 黃立芸
Author Li-Yun Huang
關鍵詞 探幽縮圖東亞繪畫史明代繪畫模寫
Keywords Tan'yū shukuzu (Tan'yū's authentication sketches), East Asian painting history, paintings of the Ming Dynasty, copy
摘要 日本江戶時代的畫家狩野探幽(Kano Tanyū, 1602-1674)所繪製的古畫縮小摹本「探幽縮圖」,近年來日漸受到中國、日本、韓國繪畫史研究者的注目。本文便是從東亞繪畫史的觀點出發,嘗試指出日本私人藏《探幽縮圖卷》中所見中國繪畫的特點與重要性。

Abstract Tan'yū shukuzu (Tan'yū's authentication sketches), the small sketches of ancient Chinese, Japanese and Korean paintings by the Japanese painter Kano Tan'yū (1602-1674), have caught the attentions of many art historians in recent years. From the standpoint of East Asian painting history, this essay attempts to point out the features and importance of some of the Chinese paintings recognized in a Tan'yū shukuzu handscroll in a Japanese private collection.

The essay begins with a review of the history of research on Tan'yū shukuzu. By focusing on a Tan'yū shukuzu handscroll in a Japanese private collection, I find that Tan'yū did not copy original paintings exactly but emphasized more on the composition and the motifs that interested him. Moreover, most of the Chinese paintings recognized in this handscroll originated in the Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Fujian area during the 15th or 16th Centuries.
/ 易繼心    Chi-Hsin Yi
/ 盛鎧    Kai Sheng
/ 江凌青    Ling-ching Chiang
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